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Raynald's SPSS Tools
Sample Syntax Library
- Bootstrap and random numbers
- Bootstrap confidence interval for the variance of a variable
- Bootstrap confidence interval for Cronbach alpha
- Bootstrap crosstab
- Bootstrap ordinary least square (OSL) estimators
- Bootstrap the mean and median
- Generate random triad numbers
- Generating multivariate hypergeometric random variables
- Generating multivariate normal variables with a specific covariance matrix
- Get random sample of various size then calculate statistics
- Get various random samples of same size calculate statistics
- OMS bootstrapping
- Sampling distribution of the correlation between 2 variables
- Generating multinominal random variables
- Block Designs
- Batch files
- Area under the curve (AUC)
- Charts and Tables
- Bar charts for school types by sex where percentages of each sex add up to 100 percent
- Blank bar for unselected category
- Blank bar for unselected category (generalized)
- Compare (superimpose) two histograms
- Count outliers
- Do bar charts excluding categories with small number of cases
- Do many histograms with the same axis boundaries
- Graph cumulative percentage retired at attained age by categorical variable
- Graph cumulative percent on X axis
- Graph survey question
- Histogram with percent on y axis instead of numbers
- Identify your own data in the chart
- Identify your own data in the chart version2
- Print current date and time in chart title
- Print current date in chart title
- Print histogram or bar chart depending on data
- Print school names as part of graph titles
- Show mean values in line graph
- Show 2 categories on same histogram
- ZIPF law and graph
- Construct a table "manually" in the data editor
- Find population frequency when multiple response with long strings
- Construct a table "manually" example no 2
- List variables infrequency table by order of medians
- Put 4 variables in the same frequency table
- Print mean plus minus standard deviation in Table
- Print actual namegroup and id in heading of each listing
- Show empty categories in tables (second method)
- Show empty category in tables
- Sort categories by decreasing count but with Others as last one
- Show number of valid cases in table footnote
- Get statistics for grouping of variables
- Table where list of variables is generated by macro
- Using Macros and CTABLE
- Do not display value labels in pivot tables
- Hide Cell With Less Than N Persons
- Cluster Analysis
- Combinations, Permutations, Interactions
- All combinations of 3numbers out of n
- Find all combinations of 1 up to n items out of m items
- Find all combinations of n items out of m items
- All combinations of 3letters out of n
- Calculate interaction terms between 2 categorical variables
- Create a new variable for each combination of 2 variables
- Find all permutations of integers 1 to n
- Generate orders for block of trials
- Get all possible crossproducts of pairs of variables
- Compute
- Find the cubic root
- Reverse the digits on an integer
- Create a new variable equal to mean of an other variable
- Compute average of m variables where m is a variable in the data file
- Compute distances between 2 points on earth
- Compute percentage of patients having each fracture category
- Automatically compute sample weights to approximate population
- Box-Cox Transformation
- Compute z = x / max( y) where max( y) is over all cases
- Count number of distinct values across 400 variables
- Weight data based on 2 or more vars
- Find LAG(var1, var2)
- Factor Analysis
- Concatenate/modify string variables
- Apparent problem with concat
- Combine a string variable and a numeric variable
- Concatenate All Values Into Constant
- Concatenate content of cases with same id
- Concatenate numbers
- Concatenate 22 variables
- Create an id using name and dob
- Normalize string
- Normalise alpha
- Remove initial from name
- Remove period from string
- Reorganize names
- Transform ascii codes into characters
- Convert first letter of each word to uppercase (v.2)
- Parse or Flag data
- Extract bits from an integer
- Extract portion of string
- Extract portion of string starting with a digit
- Extract Zip code from address field
- Extract two numbers from as tring
- Flag if last characters of string are 'Esq'
- Parse a string into one letter per variable
- Parse comma separated numbers
- Parse data separated by slashes
- Parse domain name from email addresses
- Parse comma separated strings then autorecode results
- Parsing a variable which has embedded line feeds
- Remove letter at end of string and convert remaining string to a number
- Splita string variable into plaintiff and defendant portions
- String variable contains items separated by a slash
- Weed out letters in a string and create a number with remaining digits
- Data validation
- Dates and time
- Add 60 days to a date then find end of that month
- Add leading zeros to a string date
- Ages are in nnH nnD nnM and nnA
- Break down number of days in hospital by calendar month
- Calculate age
- Calculate time differences to milliseconds
- Calculate mean date and standard deviation in days
- Calculate nb of days within the eligibility period
- Calculate number of minutes between 2 timestamps (crossover midnight)
- Calculate number of months between 2 dates
- Calculate waiting time when time is coded in hh min
- Compute number of weekdays between 2 dates
- Compute number of weekdays excluding public holidays
- Compute sleep time
- Convert string formatted as hhmmss into numeric time variable
- Convert string 1997-08-22 into a date variable
- Convert basis
- Convert string"04Apri03" to a date variable
- Convert string 01jan1992 to a date variable
- Convert string into date and time variables
- Convert strings into numbers
- Date plus 3 months
- Extract time portion from string variable containing date and time
- From AM PM to military time
- Importing from Excel (convert days into dates)
- Keep time portion of date when creating Tab delimited file
- Make variable equal to current date
- Print date and time before a procedure
- Number of consecutive 30 minutes of hypoxia
- Print current date as part of graph title
- Print day name along with date
- Read time stamp
- Save data file with current date as part of name
- Select a range of dates
- Time an SPSS procedure
- Convert string to date and select cases which fall during the weekend
- Convert Datetime String to Datetime Format Variable
- Dates appear as asterisk on chart
- Export & Import
- Export all tables in word
- Export data and value labels to excel
- Export content of data editor to a specified sheet of an existing Excel workbook
- Export from SPSS to ACCESS
- Export from SPSS to ACCESS (method2)
- Export more than 256 vars to Excel
- Export some SPSS vars to many sheets of Excel workbook
- Import from ACCESS or Lotus Notes
- Writing back an SPSS 10 file to an ODBC database
- Flag or Select Cases
- Exclude "outliers" from analysis
- Flag cases where a given string variable contains a given word
- Flag cases where any of a list of variables have same value
- Flag cases meeting a certain condition as well as preceding and following case for the same person
- Flag cases where salary is in top 95 percentile
- Flag first and last dates (within each ID)
- Keep only duplicate cases
- Print frequency table of the n most (less) frequent items
- Select cases where same letter appears twice in string
- Select patients where drug1 was given before drug2
- Sophisticated search in string variable
- Item Analysis
- Matching data files
- Multiple responses
- Outliers
- Random Sampling
- Complex sampling without replacement
- Draw without replacement (random permutation of numbers)
- Generate random phone numbers
- Find random pairs of cases for T-test
- Find random pairs of cases with same characteristics
- Flag n random cases within each subgroups
- Get 2independent samples meeting given criteria
- Get 2 random samples same sex age education
- Get n independent random samples of size m from same file
- Get random sample of x% of each stratum
- Get random sample of N cases from each stratum
- List of random cases id10 per line
- Match cases on basis of propensity scores
- Proportional sampling without replace
- Proportional random sampling
- Proportional sampling without replacement
- Random sample n males and n females
- Random samples with same age sex education
- Random split a file in two files
- Randomize a variable n times and keep each randomization
- Scramble social insurance numbers
- Select 2 cases from each group
- Select random samples of each group
- Split files in 2 random portions
- Split a file into 10random groups of equal size
- Systematic fixed sampling
- Getting repeated sampling from same file
- Read, Write or Create Data
- Adding new cases using syntax
- Add variable equal to function of an existing Var
- Copy some variables from each record type 1 to add a new record of type 0
- A few simple examples of INPUT PROGRAM
- Create consecutive records at the end of the file
- Create constants for each non missing date
- Define new variables in empty data set
- Define varx to vary
- Duplicate cases n times where n is variable
- Expand crosstab data into original data file
- Expand data x and y times
- Fill the gaps when Aggregate has empty categories
- Generate random dates
- INPUT program (to generate a random data file)
- Insert missing cases (within id)
- Insert missing dates(within id)
- Printing date time in output
- Read ASCII (logical case is made up of 5 rows of 10 cases)
- Read ASCII file using FILE TYPE
- Read ASCII file using INPUT PROGRAM
- Read ASCII file with a forward slash delimiter
- Read a variable number of records per case
- Example of data list
- Example of INPUT program
- Read data inline File Type MIXED Records
- Read ASCII file with comma or dash delimited data
- Read ASCII file with comma separated data (within quotes)
- Read ASCII file with fixed and free data
- Read ASCII file with FIXED Data
- Read ASCII with comma and dot separated decimals
- Read text file where n columns are to be ignored
- Skip first 6 Records
- Skip one line of data
- Read ASCII file with REPEATING data
- Read complex file
- Read data files that has no carriage returns
- Read data produced by CGI script
- Read data where each case has 4 numeric records and a variable number of string records
- Write comma or tab delimited file
- Write frequency percentages to data file
- Write missing values as a dot
- Write special ASCII file
- Writing value labels instead of values
- Read comma delimited fields with commas inside quoted strings
- Read comments between the lines of data
- Read data list free with consecutive commas
- Regression, Repeated Measures
- Add casewise regression coefficients to data file
- Breusch-Pagan & Koenker test
- Calculate predicted values (unianova)
- Compare coefficients generated by various groups
- Compare regression coefficients
- Conditional logistic regression
- Do All-Subsets regressions
- Do all univariate linear and logistic regressions
- Logistic regression by macro
- Regression calculates table of predicted values
- Regression in a loop
- Regression when holding out k cases
- Regression with correlation matrix as input
- Regression with normed weight
- Repeated-measures macro
- Chow test
- White's test: calculate the statistics and its significance
- White's standard errors full OLS and White's SE output
- Testing individual regressors in logistic regression
- Non-linear regression (NLR) with variance of residuals as the loss function
- Piecewise regression
- Test if file or variable exists
- Ranking, largest values, sorting, grouping
- Aggregating with the median
- Calculate cumulative sum of Var1
- Calculate mode
- Calculate number of distinct values within Case
- Calculate z-scores across variables
- Code using percentiles of a subset
- Compute percentiles for one variable and by one or more grouping variables
- Compute percentages based on values of first case
- For each case, find the earliest case in the preceding 7 days
- Find5 largest values within case
- Find last 2 scores on repeated measure
- Identify 3 Highest Values within Each Case
- Identify variables having minimum value
- New variable equals cumulative totals by id
- Number consecutively cases with the same id
- Random order
- Rank equal intervals between minimum and maximum
- Rank on basis of percentage of good
- Rank variable names in alpha order
- Rank within cases
- Replace missing by median values within the case
- Round up to the higher point 5
- Saving confidence interval for mean (within groups)
- Score a test with an answer key
- Sorting values within cases (using the bubble sort algorithm)
- Sorting Within Cases
- Syntax group data in bands
- Finding All Modal Values for Subgroups of Cases
- Create n tiles based on percent ranges rather than on count
- Tests of Inequality
- Working with Many Files
- Combine 2 data files many to many
- Combine any number of consecutively named sav files 50 at a time
- Combine many data files with same variables
- Combine many xls files into a single sav file
- Data list is outside the main syntax
- Delete cases contained in file2 from the main data file
- Erase files
- Example 1 using UPDATE command
- Example 2 using UPDATE command
- Get mean from 3different files
- Keep only cases from Master file whose id are in second file
- Macro to delete a list of files
- Many folders and many files
- Process All .xls Files in a Given Folder (script)
- Run a macro on every file whose name is in a sav file
- Run syntax on files whose names are derived from a data file
- Show number of differences, if any, between 2 files
- Split big files into separate categories
- Split big files into separate categories string var
- Split file with kn cases into k files of n cases each
- Unusual file merge
- Include 200syntax files by macro
- Remove Characters, Duplicates or Variables
- ROC curves
- Working with missing values
- Missing values and DO IF
- Conditionally replacing missing by mean
- Replace missing by random value taken from cases with valid value
- Replace missing with mean
- Replace missing by median values within each case
- Replace missing by mean of category
- Replace "Blanks" by value from preceding case
- Recode certain dates as missing
- Mean substitution in additive scale
- List variable names with missing values and identify main elements of cases
- Hot Deck
- Identifying the3 types of missing values
- Conditionally replacing missing by mean example 2
- Delete variables that have only missing values
- Restructure File
- Allocate dummy variables to 24 hours
- Automated data transform from tall to wide
- Automated Data Restructure
- Automated restructure from long to wide
- Collapse empty variables within a case
- Deduplicate cases while keeping all the information
- Each variable occupies 5 rows of 10 columns
- Find beginning and end of continuous periods
- From many to one example1
- From many to one example2
- From many to one with alpha data
- From many to one with specific order of new variables
- From one to Many simple
- From one to many with indicator variable
- Restructure data fileexample1
- Restructure data fileexample2
- Restructure data fileexample3
- Restructure data fileexample4
- Restructure from tall to wide (general solution)
- Restructure time periods to a time matrix
- Restructure to calculate Kappa
- Transpose(FLIP) string variables
- Use Former Variable Names As Value Labels
- VarsToCases and CasesToVars
- Sample Size and Power
- Survival Analysis
- Time Series
- Conjoint Analysis
- T-Test or Means or ANOVA
- T-Tests and Likert scales
- T Test: Measures of Effect Size and Nonoverlap, and Observed Power
- Compare mean of each hospital with mean of all other hospitals
- ANOVA Tables using 4 methods
- Standardized effects size (Cohen Glass and Hedges's d)
- ONEWAY with summarydataI2
- ONEWAY with summarydata1
- Multiple Mann-Whitney tests
- Hotelling's T**2 & Profile Analysis
- Do a T-Test with only the Means, SD and Ns
- DoT-Test with only means, SD and Ns
- Cochran Hartley Critical Values
- Meta Analysis
- RFM Analysis
- Standard Data Files
- Labels, Variable Names and Format
- Add (or replace) a character at the beginning of each var names
- Add'_99' at the end of every variable names
- Apply lab1 as value label to var1 by syntax
- Assign same label to many variables
- Assign value labels to a vector
- Assign variable and value labels of a given variable to other variables
- Convert variable format
- Automatically rename variables
- Autovariable renaming or copying
- Create dummy variables
- Create dummy variables
- Create new variable equal to number of occurrences of var1
- Define a global variable
- Delete List Of Variable Names But Some May Not Exist
- Delete variables with all values equal to zero
- Delete or reorder variable names (data fields)
- Delete many variable labels
- Group data and define corresponding value labels
- Match label file with data file
- Print variable labels and value labels in FREQ Tables
- Read ASCII data variable name, value and value labels
- Recode variables var1 becomes varx etc
- Remove underscores from all variable names
- Rename variables
- Rename all variables t2abc becomes t1abc etc
- Rename var in file1 to names in file2
- Reverse scale and value labels
- Round and change format of all numeric variables
- Show 0.45 instead of.45
- Sort variable names by alphabetical order
- Sort variables by name in data file
- Sort Variables By Alphabetical Order
- Write value labels to ASCII file (AnswerNet)
- Unclassified
- Data Editor
- Distributions
- Add variables containing lower and upper CI for mean
- Bayes estimates for proportions and their CI
- Calculate Chi-square significance given q and df
- Calculate 95 percent confidence interval for the median
- Calculate McNemar Chi-Square test
- Hodges-Lehmann Confidence Interval for Median difference
- Exact Confidence Limits for a Binomial Parameter
- Goodness of Fit Test for Poisson Distribution
- Inferences and Confidence Intervals for Proportions
- Fitting Models with Overdispersion
- Tests of General Linear Hypotheses
- Normalization of raw scores
- Matrix
- Example that reads, writes, creates and transforms matrices
- Export variance-covariance matrix to ASCII file
- Export variance-covariance matrix to sav file
- Find inverse of a matrix
- Macro autogenerate initial data file
- Matrix out in
- Read matrix data
- Reliability analysis when input is a correlation matrix
- Transform a matrix into a vector
- Cohen's Kappa
- Maximizing the Trace of a Matrix
- OMS (Output Management System)
- Self Adjusing Code
- Strings
- Transform variable
- Constrain a Variable to a Given Interval
- Convert Numbers to String with Leading Zeros
- Create Variable Equal to z-scores of an Existing Variable
- Extract Fist or First 2 Digits of a Large Integer
- Global Autorecode
- Replace a Letter to 9999 and Convert to Number
- Replace Confidential Information (e.g. a SSN) by a New (Known) ID
- Replace values higher than n by the mean of the other values
- Automatically Rescale Variable to be Between 0 and 1
- Transform Alphanumeric Codes to Numeric
- Examples of Converting Strings To Numbers
- Calculate utility of EuroQol 5D questionnaire
- Tutorials
Learning Syntax
Debugging SPSS Syntax
Standard Data Files
Sample Macro Library
- Macro Gems
- Macro variables
- Odd Feature of Macro Parser
- Doing Arithmetic With Macro Variables
- Calculations With Macro Variables
- Add Casewise Regression Estimatest to the Data
- Call Macro With Arguments Equal to Each Value of Var
- Define Macro Variable Equal to Each Value of Variable in Data
- Multiply Two Macro Variables
- Pair Variables from the Macro Call
- Macros Are Just String Parsers!
- Utilities
- Define Paths to Files by Macro
- Execute Macro for Each Distinct Value of a Variable
- Macro to Run Syntax with Empty Dataset
- Print Message in Output Window
- Macro to Run Code on Subsets of File
- Run Macro with Different Sets of Parameters, Stored as Data
- Run Macro with Different Sets of Parameters (example 2)
- Quote String on the Fly
- Tutorials
- Labels, Variable Names and Format
- Unclassified
- OMS (Output Management System)
- Working with Many Files
- Self Adjusing Code
Learning Macros
Debugging Macros
Kirill's SPSS Macros Page
Some SPSS Links
About the macros’ author
About SPSS macros
List of SPSS macros of Kirill's SPSS Macros Page
Sample Scripts Library
- Output Document
- Empty designated output window
- Delete statistics and case processing summary
- Break output file into smaller pieces
- Add page breaks at selected places
- Change label title of last run procedure
- Create new Output with a given filename and file path
- Data footer
- Extract Information From a Text Output
- Extract Information From a Text Output
- Insert a text object into the SPSS Viewer
- Produce a Table of Content (TOC) listing all pivot tables
- Remove page breaks
- Replace left pane PageTitle by content of right pane
- Save Current Output Windows
- Save Current Output Windows
- Save current output window-by script
- Search label in Output Window
- Select last table in current output
- Write index in output navigator
- Add footnotes to every Pivot Tables
- Demo of script work to add page breaks
- Manipulating Pivot Tables
- Mark Significance Levels in Tables
- Set number decimals of percentages in PivotTable
- Undo percent notation
- Remove pivot table row and column labels
- Applying any script to all pivot tables
- Automation of pivotting
- Autoscript to format correlation table
- Change Format Means Report
- Change Format Means Report
- Change Sig to P
- Combine mean and SD
- Combine Mean and SD
- Create pivot table
- Crop and retain
- Cycling through all layers of a table
- Define customized crosstab titles
- Delete footnotes of all Pivot Tables
- Exchange rows and columns of Pivot Table
- Hide valid and valid percentage in frequency table
- Hide a column in pivot table
- Highlights significant cells of all ANOVA tables in Designated Viewer
- Highlight significant T-Test cells
- Italize percentages in PivotTable
- Left right or center justify title of all pivot tables
- Create pivot table-ROC
- Create pivot table-ROC
- Make totals bold
- Make Totals Bold All Pivot Tables
- Pivoting to each layer of a pivot table
- Remove percent signs from PivotTable
- Replacing Empty Cells of Pivot Tables by user-defined characters
- Rotate inner labels of all visible PivotTables
- Round frequencies in crosstab tables
- Reverse columns order
- Ungroup a column in a pivot table
- Set number of decimals in pivot table
- Substitute string in pivot tables
- Table Widths
- Table Widths
- Undo Scientific (##.#E±##) Notation
- Traffic Light
- Traffic Light with Fixed Margins 15 and 25
- Traffic Light with 3 Cut Off Points
- Autoscript to format correlation table
- Autoscripts
- Dialogs
- Transform variable
- Syntax Editor
- Long variable names
- Printing
- Output format
- Utilities
- Running Script from Syntax
- Automatically run a script or syntax when SPSS starts
- Create new output window
- Illustrate windows state
- Call script B from script A
- Add file date to file names in a given folder
- Automatically gets data and output HTML files every hour
- Convert syntax into script format
- Script to run a DOS command or Bat file
- Levenshtein Distance between 2 strings
- Multi purpose script: (run Sub based on syntax call)
- Name data file based on date read from data file
- Toggle Output Type
- Terminate syntax with period
- Write table of content of output navigator to text file
- Running Script from Syntax - 2
- Write Data File Path back to Dataset with Script
- Distributions
- Data Editor
- Export & Import
- Export pivot table data cells to data editor
- Export labels from MS Access to SPSS
- Save all attachments of emails to a given folder
- Send a document as an attachment to an email
- Convert to Excel 5_95 format
- Export tables to a single excel sheet
- Export tables to a single excel sheet v2
- ExportTablesToSingleExcelSheetV3
- ExportTablesToSingleExcelSheetV4
- Export Pivot Tables to PowerPoint
- Change background color of all IGRAPHs in Viewer
- Export all pivot tables of all spo files to HTM file
- Export target items of all spo files to HTM file
- Export Data Dictionary to text files
- Export Pivot Tables to Word2
- Export sav file to free format
- Export visible output to word via HTML v2
- Export content of data editor to XML format v2
- Export spss Output viewer to XML
- Export to Triple-S
- Export Data from SPSS to Pulsar Beta 0.16
- Add or Update Data from Excel to PowerPoint Chart
- From SPSS to STATA
- Working with Many Files
- Labels, Variable Names and Format
- Add extension to all variable names
- Add the word "index" at the beginning of all variable labels
- Add value labels
- Add value labels using a loop
- Add variable name at beginning of variable label
- Assign variable label equal to variable name
- Capitalise variable and value labels
- Define macro calls for each value label Example2
- Define macros giving variable labels
- Delete value labels of all variables
- Export variable and value labels to txt files
- Export variable name and variable labels to text file
- Populate variable with value labels of another variable
- Reverse autorecode
- Reverse auto recode10
- Scripts for Switching between short and long variable names
Learning Scripts
The Asynchronous Problem
Sample Python Library
- XML files
- Age Adjusted Prevalence
- Data Import and Export
- Self Adjusing Code
- Output Document
- Working with Many Files
- Strings
- Unsorted, non-SPSS
Sample R Library
- How to get help from SPSS community
- How to ask data transformation or automation questions
- How come nobody answered my question?
- Netiquette
- Somebody posted a macro but I do not know how to use it
- How do I subscribe/unsubscribe to the SPSSX-L mailing list?
- Where are the archives of the SPSSX-L list and of the SPSS newsgroup?
- Where can I find help on my SPSS problem?
- What does DATA LIST LIST /a b c mean?
- Best Practices
- General SPSS FAQ
- Where to download SPSS?
- Why not to use for statistical analysis Excel only?
- What is SPSS?
- Where can I find the formula used by SPSS to calculate statistics XYZ?
- Why is my *.spo file so huge??
- How many variables and cases can SPSS for Windows handle?
- What does SPSS stands for?
- How do I transfer data to/ from SPSS and ...
- I need to reference SPSS in an article I am writing, how should I do that?
- How can I show, in the table, categories which have *not* been selected by respondents?
- Syntax-specific FAQ and stuff
- Transformations pending (what to do with this?)
- When to use EXECUTE
- About INCLUDing files
- How can I apply variable labels and value labels of my old sav file to my new sav file?
- Multi-line comments
- How do I create an index, ID or key variable?
- How do I go about using an alternative syntax editor?
- Обзор команд OUTPUT и DATASET
- How to get π (pi) number using SPSS?
- Maximizing the use of SPSS syntax
- Using Excel to Write SPSS Syntax
- Python Stuff
- Sax (WinWrap) Basic Scripting Notes
Links to SPSS (and not only SPSS) resources
- Official SPSS
- User Communities
- Universities
- Argentina
- Australia
- Austria
- Belgium
- Canada
- Finland
- Russia
- France
- Germany
- Greece
- Hungary
- Hong Kong
- Israel
- Italy
- Japan
- Mexico
- Netherlands
- Portugal
- Spain
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- Taiwan
- United Kingdom
- Carnegie Mellon University
- Columbia University (NY)
- Connecticut Mental Health Center
- Canisius College, Buffalo, NY
- East Carolina University
- Indiana University
- Kellogg School of Management
- Kenneth Janda (Northwestern University)
- Miami University
- Midwestern State University, Wichita Falls, Texas
- Mississippi State University
- Mount Holyoke College
- Newpaltz University
- Pace University
- Portland State University
- Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
- Saint John's University, MN
- Southeast Missouri State University
- Stony Brook State University of New York
- Tarleton State University - Central Texas
- Trinity University
- Touro College
- University of California Santa Cruz
- University of Connecticut
- University of Florida
- University of Illinois at Chicago
- University of Iowa
- University of Nevada, Las Vegas
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- University of North Florida
- University Notre Dame
- University of Texas Statistical Support
- University of Massachusetts, Boston
- University of Salisbury
- University of Vermont
- University of Wisconsin - Madisson
- University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
- University of Wisconsin - River Falls
- University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point
- Virginia Commonwealth university
- Wesleyan University
- West Virginia University
- Personal Sites
- Kirill Orlov's macros collection
- Персональный сайт Андрея Хомича
- SPSS для социологов
- Bernhard Bührlen's Home Page
- Dirk Enzmann's Statistical Software
- George Marsaglia
- John McNutt's Office on the Web
- Anton Balabanov
- King Douglas Consulting
- WMB & Associates
- John F. Hall, Journeys in Survey Research
- Andrew Wheeler's Blog
- Joe Glines / Automator
- General SPSS Resources
- Online SPSS Tutorials
- SPSS Statistics General Guides
- Marija Norušis Site
- UCLA's SPSS Pages
- IBM SPSS Statistics Syntax: Keeping Your Sanity While Managing Large Files
- SPSS On-Line Training Workshop
- Statnotes: an Online Textbook
- SPSS at University of Colorado
- Psychology Statistics and Methods
- Statistiche Datenanalyse mit SPSS für Windows
- SPSS Tutorials by Ruben Geert van den Berg
- Online Psychology Laboratory
- Статистика в SPSS: за пределами кнопочного интерфейса
- At this Site
- SPSS Applications Tutorials or Technical Papers
- Survey Analysis
- Statistics on Likert Scale Surveys
- Introduction to Logistic Regression
- Reliability Analysis
- Practical Analysis of Nutritional Data (P.A.N.D.A)
- Pitfalls of Data Analysis
- Selection bias and the Heckman two-step procedure
- Models for Binary Outcomes
- Exploratory Factor Analysis
- Logistic regression and discriminant analysis
- Correspondence Analysis
- SPSS Paper Examples
- Meta-analysis stuff
- Brien O'Connor`s Page
- Использование SPSS в экономике труда
- SPSS Statistics General Guides
- Former SPSS Offices
- Research Centers, Companies
- Socinform
- Радар
- Method Consult Switzerland
- Giller
- Idesa
- HRS Ltd
- Ri-vita Consulting
- SPIKEware
- Statoo Consulting
- Betty C. Jung's Web site
- BioMed Gate
- BioSS
- Consommation & culture matérielle, France
- David Baldwin's Trauma Information Pages
- Digital Resources for Evaluators
- EDU2: Math - Stats
- Finnish Social Science Data Archive
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SPSS Programming and Data Management Book
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Raynald's SPSS Tools v2.0
Andrew Wheeler's Blog
Syntax For Item Analysis V6
Clustering @ Kirill’s SPSS macros page
Replace 'Page Title' in Output left pane
Pass an Argument to Python with DATAFILE ATTRIBUTE
Kirill’s SPSS macros page
Kirill’s SPSS macros page
Pull data from SPSS dataset, process in R and push results back as a Pivot Table
Statistik und SPSS-Tutorial
John F. Hall. Journeys in Survey Research
SPSS Community @ IBM developerWorks
What to check running older Basic scripts on modern SPSS versions
Process Multiple Files In a Folder
SPSS tutorials from Ruben Geert van den Berg
Statistik Glossar – Alles rund um SPSS @ Novustat (German)
Kirill’s SPSS macros page
Calculate utility of EuroQol 5D questionnaire
Joe's blog on Automation
Extract volume units from string
Added code highlighting features
Programming Book Page - with SPSS Statistics 24 link
Validate Content Format in a String Variable
Replace Values Higher than n (Updated)
Using Excel to Write SPSS Syntax
Convert first letter of each word to Uppercase
Clustering Criterions
Collection "Various proximities" has been updated
Clustering Criterions update
Partitions comparison
Updates on Kirill's Macros page
Run Kirill's macros from Dialogs
Data Dictionaries and Frequency Distributions from Multiple .sav Files in a Folder — to Excel
Updates on Kirill's Macros page
Kirill's "Various proximities" macros collection - update
Run Kirill's macros from Dialogs: update
SPSS Programming and Data Management - links updated
Run Kirill's macros from Dialogs v4
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