Ranking, largest values, sorting, grouping
- Aggregating with the median
- Calculate cumulative sum of Var1
- Calculate mode
- Calculate number of distinct values within Case
- Calculate z-scores across variables
- Code using percentiles of a subset
- Compute percentiles for one variable and by one or more grouping variables
- Compute percentages based on values of first case
- For each case, find the earliest case in the preceding 7 days
- Find5 largest values within case
- Find last 2 scores on repeated measure
- Identify 3 Highest Values within Each Case Code to find 3 scores within each cases with largest values
- Identify variables having minimum value
- New variable equals cumulative totals by id
- Number consecutively cases with the same id
- Random order
- Rank equal intervals between minimum and maximum
- Rank on basis of percentage of good
- Rank variable names in alpha order
- Rank within cases
- Replace missing by median values within the case
- Round up to the higher point 5
- Saving confidence interval for mean (within groups)
- Score a test with an answer key
- Sorting values within cases (using the bubble sort algorithm)
- Sorting Within Cases Realization of several known sorting algorithm to order values within case
- Syntax group data in bands
- Finding All Modal Values for Subgroups of Cases Indentify all values which are modal values in every cases' subgroup (i.e. within same ID)
- Create n tiles based on percent ranges rather than on count
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