Cohen's Kappa
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King at Baylor College of Medicine (Software Solutions for Obtaining a Kappa-Type Statistic for Use with *Multiple Raters). The syntax here produces four sections of information. The first section produces the raw rater *agreement (Pa), the number of items, number of raters, and number of categories. The second section calculates *k, standard error, z, and p based on the original syntax and adds the upper and lower 95% confidence limits. The *third section presents Fliess' corrected standard error together with recalculated z, p, and confidence limits. The last *section produces k, standard error, z, p, and confidence intervals for the individual categories. Raw data is set up *with individual cases or items as rows and raters as columns. Entries in individual cells represent the category *assigned to a particular case or item by a specific rater. At the end of the macro is the command line which identifies *the macro. I requires that the raters be identified in the same manner as line 1.This macro has been tested with 20 *raters, 20 categories, and 2000 cases. If more are used, there may be a need to adjust the mxloops command. *The syntax is configured to produce -99999.0 as a missing data code in the report in cases where a coding category is *not utilized. * Brian G. Dates 2006/02/23. data list list /rater1 rater2 rater3 . begin data 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 3 4 4 3 4 6 4 5 5 5 4 4 4 6 6 6 4 4 3 2 1 6 2 2 3 1 3 1 end data . preserve. set printback=off mprint=off. save outfile='k__tmp1.sav'. define cohensk (vars=!charend('/')). set mxloops=100000. count ms__=!vars (missing). select if ms__=0. *This section sets up a matrix(x) based on the raw data file, a matrix(y) with rows equal to the number of items and *columns equal to the number of categories, then determines for y the number of responses per category for each *case or item. matrix. get x /var=!vars. compute c=mmax(x). compute y=make(nrow(x),c,0). loop i=1 to nrow(x). loop j=1 to ncol(x). loop k=1 to c. do if x(i,j)=k. compute y(i,k)=y(i,k)+1. end if. end loop. end loop. end loop. *This section computes the basic information and kappa and its related statistics. compute pe=msum((csum(y)/msum(y))&**2). compute k=ncol(x). compute n=nrow(y) . compute r=ncol(y) . compute pa=mssq(y)/(nrow(y)*k*(k-1))-(1/(k-1)). compute ck=(pa-pe)/(1-pe). compute num=2*(pe-(2*k-3)*(pe**2)+2*(k-2)*msum((csum(y)/msum(y))&**3)). compute den=nrow(y)*k*(k-1)*((1-pe)**2). compute ase=sqrt(num/den). compute z=ck/ase. compute sig=1-chicdf(z**2,1) . compute ckul=ck+1.96*ase . compute ckll=ck-1.96*ase . *This section computes the alternate standard error and related statistics based on Fliess' corrected formula. compute nm=sqrt(n*k*(k-1)) . compute vectora=csum(y)/msum(csum(y)) . compute vectorb=1-csum(y)/msum(csum(y)) . compute vectorc=1-2*(csum(y)/msum(csum(y))) . compute vectord=vectora&*vectorb. compute vectore=vectora&*vectorb&*vectorc . compute e=msum(vectord) . compute f =msum(vectore) . compute fse=(sqrt(2)/(e*nm))*(sqrt(e**2-f)) . compute fsez=ck/fse . compute fsesig=1-chicdf(fsez**2,1) . compute fseu=ck+1.96*fse . compute fsel=ck-1.96*fse . * This section computes the kappas for the individual categories. Each statistic, e.g., k or standard error, is computed * as a vector. The vectors are then assembled into a matrix of all six statistics. As part of this process, -99999.0 is * imputed as the missing data value. compute matz=k-y . compute mata=y&*matz . compute vectorf=csum(mata)+(.0001) . compute vectorg=vectord*(n*k*(k-1))+(.0001) . compute vectorh=1-(vectorf&/vectorg) . compute vectori=(1+(2*(k-1)*(csum(y)/msum(csum(y)))))&**2 . compute vectorj=(2*(k-1))*vectord . compute vectork=(n*k*(k-1)**2)*vectord+(.0001) . compute vectorse=sqrt((vectori+vectorj)&/vectork) . compute vectorz=vectorh&/(vectorse+.0001). compute vectorp=1-cdfnorm(vectorz) . compute vectorll=vectorh-(1.96*vectorse) . compute vectorul=vectorh+(1.96*vectorse) . loop i=1 to ncol(vectorh) . do if (vectorh(i)=0.00) . compute vectorh(i)=-99999) . end if . end loop . loop i=1 to ncol(vectorh) . do if (vectorh(i)=-99999) . compute vectorse(i)=-99999 . end if . end loop . loop i=1 to ncol(vectorh) . do if (vectorh(i)=-99999) . compute vectorz(i)=-99999 . end if . end loop . loop i=1 to ncol(vectorh) . do if (vectorh(i)=-99999) . compute vectorp(i)=-99999 . end if . end loop . loop i=1 to ncol(vectorh) . do if (vectorh(i)=-99999) . compute vectorul(i)=-99999. end if . end loop . loop i=1 to ncol(vectorh) . do if (vectorh(i)=-99999) . compute vectorll(i)=-99999 . end if . end loop . compute ikstat={vectorh;vectorse;vectorz;vectorp;vectorll;vectorul} . save ikstat /outfile='ikstat1.sav' . *This section saves the data and prepares the reporting formats. save {k,n,r,pa,ck,ase,z,sig,ckll,ckul,fse,fsez,fsesig,fseu,fsel} /outfile='k__tmp2.sav' /variables=k,n,r,pa,ck,ase,z,sig,ckll,ckul,fse,fsez,fsesig,fseu,fsel . end matrix . get file='k__tmp2.sav'. formats k (f8.0) /n (f8.0) /r (f8.0) /pa (f8.4) /ck (f8.4) /ase (f8.4) /z (f8.4) /sig (f8.4) /ckul (f8.4) /ckll (f8.4) /fse(f8.4) /fsez (f8.4) /fsesig (f8.4) /fseu (f8.4) /fsel (f8.4) . variable labels k 'Number of Raters' /n 'Number of Items' /r 'Number of Categories' /pa 'Percent of Rater Agreement' /ck 'Kappa' /ase 'Standard Error' /z 'z'/sig 'p' /ckul 'Upper 95% Confidence Limit' /ckll 'Lower 95% Confidence Limit' /fse 'Fleiss SE' /fsez 'z' /fsesig 'p' /fseu 'Upper 95% Confidence Limit' /fsel 'Lower 95% Confidence Limit' . report format=list automatic align(center) /variables=k,n,r,pa /title "Basic Information" . report format=list automatic align(center) /variables=ck ase z sig ckll ckul /title "Cohens Kappa". report format=list automatic align(center) /variables=fse fsez fsesig fsel fseu /title "Cohens Kappa -- Fleiss Adjusted Standard Error" . get file='ikstat1.sav' . flip . delete variable case_lbl . compute n1=$casenum . formats n1 (f8.0) /var001 (f8.4) /var002 (f8.4) /var003 (f8.4) /var004 (f8.4) /var005 (f8.4) /var006 (f8.4) . variable labels n1 'Coding Category' /var001 'k' /var002 'Standard Error' /var003 'z' /var004 'p' /var005 'Lower 95% Confidence Limit' /var006 'Upper 95% Confidence Limit' . save outfile='ikstat.sav' . report format=list automatic align(center) /variables=n1 var001 var002 var003 var004 var005 var006 /Title "Individual Category Statistics" . !enddefine. restore. COHENSK VARS = rater1 to rater3 . |
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