Many tests of inequality v5
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 | /* This syntax calculates the following indexes: the ATKINSON index = DEMAND coefficient. the THEIL redundancy. the RESERVE coefficient. the D&R coefficient. the KULLBACK-LIEBLER redundancy. the HOOVER coefficient. the COULTER coefficient. the GINI coefficient. The Lorenz curve is produced. The various indexes are plotted on the same graph when there is data for mor than on year. There are 9 examples about how to use the syntax at the end can be distributed freely. Raynald Levesque*/. * Formulas used in this SPSS syntax file come from Goetz Kluge's web page (as of Feb 17,2001). * The URL is . * Refer to these Web pages for information and comments on the various inequality measures such as * usage of each measure, ranges of input and output values, significance of the measures, references. * About Lorenz curve. * Lorenz curve plots the cumulative share of income against the cumulative population share. * The diagonal represents perfect income equality. The further away it is from the diagonal, the more unequal the society. * Powerful theorems associated with Lorenz dominance have made this curve something of a symbol of inequality measurement and analysis. * See * Recommended usage. * 1. Save the 2 macros in a separate sps file (say inequality.sps). * 2. Once per session, define the macro by using the INCLUDE command. * 3. Save the chart template inequality.sct in folder of your choice, change the path in inequality.sps accordingly. * 4. The syntax assumes that the folder "c:\\temp\\" exists. * 4. see examples of usage at the end of this syntax. * Notes. * 1. Cases with missing salary data are excluded. * 2. This syntax file works with data files for different years, the syntax calculates the * coefficients for each file (each year) then produces a graph of all the coefficients. This allows to see how * the coefficients change over time. SET MPRINT=yes /PRINTBACK=listing /RESULTS=listing. *////////////////////////////////////////////. DEFINE !inequal (sal =!TOKENS(1) /data =!DEFAULT('i') !TOKENS(1) /ntiles =!DEFAULT('0') !TOKENS(1) /yr =!TOKENS(1)) * data=i means individual data are supplied * data=g means grouped data are supplied (number of persons and total earnings are given for each group). * data=w means weighted data are supplied (the weight variable is assumed to be called "a") * ntiles=0 means group data using sal. * ntiles>0 means group data using ntiles of sal. COMPUTE dummy=1. !IF (!data !NE 'g') !THEN * Weight data if needed. !IF (!data !EQ 'w') !THEN WEIGHT BY a. !IFEND * delete cases with missing !sal. SELECT IF ~MISSING(!sal). !IF (!ntiles !NE '0') !THEN * Need to group data by ntiles. !LET !brkvar=nsal RANK VARIABLES=!sal (A) /NTILES (!ntiles) INTO !brkvar /PRINT=YES /TIES=MEAN . !ELSE * need to group by sal. !LET !brkvar=!sal !IFEND * Find the totals by group. AGGREGATE /OUTFILE='C:\\temp\\AGGR as needed.SAV' /BREAK=!brkvar /ai = N(!sal) /ei = SUM(!sal) /dummy=FIRST(dummy). * Find the grand totals. AGGREGATE /OUTFILE=* /BREAK=dummy /atot = N(!sal) /etot = SUM(!sal). * add the grand totals to the file containing group totals. MATCH FILES /TABLE=* /FILE='C:\\Temp\\AGGR as needed.SAV' /BY dummy. SORT CASES BY !brkvar(A). !IFEND !IF (!data !EQ 'g') !THEN * data is already grouped, find grand totals and add this info to the file. AGGREGATE /OUTFILE='C:\\Temp\\AGGR as needed.SAV' /BREAK=dummy /atot = SUM(ai) /etot = SUM(!sal). MATCH FILES /FILE=* /TABLE='C:\\Temp\\AGGR as needed.SAV' /BY dummy. !IFEND ***********************. * * Compute the coefficients or redundancy. * ***********************. * Compute the ATKINSON index = DEMAND coefficient. COMPUTE demand1=ei*LN(ai/ei)/etot. CREATE demand2=CSUM(demand1). COMPUTE zdemand=1-EXP(demand2)*etot/atot. * Compute the THEIL redundancy. COMPUTE rtheil=-LN(1-zdemand). * Compute the RESERVE coefficient. COMPUTE reserv1=ai*LN(ei/ai)/atot. CREATE reserv2=CSUM(reserv1). COMPUTE zreserve=1-EXP(reserv2)*atot/etot. * Compute the D&R coefficient. COMPUTE zd_and_r=1-SQRT((1-zdemand)*(1-zreserve)). * Compute the KULLBACK-LIEBLER redundancy. COMPUTE rkull_li=-LN(1-zd_and_r). * Compute the HOOVER coefficient. COMPUTE hoover1=ABS(ei/etot-ai/atot). CREATE hoover2=CSUM(hoover1). COMPUTE zhoover=hoover2/2. * Compute the COULTER coefficient. COMPUTE coulte1=(ei/etot - ai/atot)**2. CREATE coulte2=CSUM(coulte1). COMPUTE zcoulter=SQRT(coulte2/2). * Compute the GINI coefficient. CREATE csai csei=CSUM(ai ei). COMPUTE gini1=(2*csei-ei)*ai/(etot*atot). CREATE gini2=CSUM(gini1). COMPUTE zgini=1-gini2. * Print values of the inequality measures. MATCH FILES FILE=* /BY dummy /LAST=last. TEMPORARY. SELECT IF last. !LET !title=!QUOTE(!CONCAT('Summary of Coefficients and redundancies',!UNQUOTE(!yr))) SUMMARIZE /TABLES=zdemand rtheil zreserve zd_and_r rkull_li zhoover zcoulter zgini /FORMAT=VALIDLIST NOCASENUM TOTAL /TITLE=!title /MISSING=VARIABLE /CELLS=NONE. * Print information on the groups. COMPUTE pccsei=csei/etot*100. COMPUTE pccsai=csai/atot*100. COMPUTE refline=pccsai. COMPUTE avg=ei/ai. FORMATS avg ei(COMMA12.0) pccsai pccsei (PCT6.1). !LET !title=!QUOTE(!CONCAT('Information on the groups', !UNQUOTE(!yr))) SUMMARIZE /TABLES=ai ei avg pccsai pccsei /FORMAT=VALIDLIST NOCASENUM TOTAL /TITLE=!title /MISSING=VARIABLE /CELLS=NONE. SAVE OUTFILE='c:\\temp\\temp2.sav'. * Create a dummy case with zero values for the following 3 variables. NEW FILE. INPUT PROGRAM. COMPUTE pccsai=0. COMPUTE pccsei=0. COMPUTE refline=0. END CASE. END FILE. END INPUT PROGRAM. LIST. * Add the dummy case to the data file to force Lorenz curve to start at (0,0). ADD FILES /FILE=* /FILE='C:\\temp\\temp2.sav'. FORMATS pccsai pccsei refline (PCT6.0). !LET !title=!QUOTE(!CONCAT('Lorenz curve ',!UNQUOTE(!yr))) GRAPH /TITLE=!title /TEMPLATE='c:\\Program Files\\SPSS\\syntax\\inequality\\inequality.sct' /SCATTERPLOT(OVERLAY)= pccsai pccsai WITH pccsei refline (PAIR) /MISSING=LISTWISE . EXECUTE. !ENDDEFINE. *////////////////////////////////////////////. * ##### EXAMPLE 1. * Allocate data to 20 groups. GET FILE='C:\\Program Files\\SPSS\\University of Florida graduate salaries.sav'. !inequal sal=salary ntiles=20. * ##### EXAMPLE 2. * Each salary level corresponds to a group. GET FILE='C:\\Program Files\\SPSS\\University of Florida graduate salaries.sav'. !inequal sal=salary. * ##### EXAMPLE 3. * Using weighted data. * in this example there are 20 persons earning 20 each, 10 earning 30 etc. DATA LIST LIST /a e. BEGIN DATA 20 20 10 30 5 40 5 50 END DATA. !inequal sal=e data=w. * ##### EXAMPLE 4. * Using data already grouped (this is same data as above but presented differently. * The 20 poorest persons receive 400; the 5 richest persons receive 250. DATA LIST LIST /ai ei. * The number of cases and sum of earnings must be named ai and ei. BEGIN DATA 20 400 10 300 5 200 5 250 END DATA. !inequal sal=ei data=g. * The above data come from and the coefficients produced * here in example #4 equal those shown on that site. *######################################. * Following portion of the syntax handles data files containing data for different years. * The program first calculates the coefficients for each file using the macro defined above * It then graphs the evolution of each coefficient (eg the GINI coefficients) over the years. *######################################. *///////////////////////////////////. DEFINE !manyyrs (sal=!TOKENS(1) /data= !DEFAULT('i') !TOKENS(1) /ntiles= !DEFAULT('0') !TOKENS(1) /fname=!TOKENS(1) /nbyrs=!TOKENS(1)) * the first 3 parameters are those needed to call the inequal macro define above. * the fname parameter is the path and alphabetical portion of the file names (eg "c:\\mydata"). * the nbyrs parameter is the number of different data files, for instance if nbyrs=3 * and fname=c:\\mydata then the 3 file names are mydata1.sav mydata2.sav and mydata3.sav. !DO !cnt=1 !TO !nbyrs GET FILE=!QUOTE(!CONCAT(!UNQUOTE(!fname),!cnt,'.sav')). !LET !thisyr=!QUOTE(!CONCAT(', Year=',!cnt)) !inequal sal=!sal data=!data ntiles=!ntiles yr=!thisyr. SELECT IF last. COMPUTE yr=!cnt. FORMATS yr(F8.0). !IF (!cnt=1) !THEN SAVE OUTFILE=!QUOTE(!CONCAT(!UNQUOTE(!fname)," summary.sav")). !ELSE ADD FILES FILE=* /FILE=!QUOTE(!CONCAT(!UNQUOTE(!fname)," summary.sav")). SAVE OUTFILE=!QUOTE(!CONCAT(!UNQUOTE(!fname)," summary.sav")). !IFEND !DOEND EXECUTE. GET FILE=!QUOTE(!CONCAT(!UNQUOTE(!fname)," summary.sav")). SORT CASES BY yr. SUMMARIZE /TABLES=yr zdemand rtheil zreserve zd_and_r rkull_li zhoover zcoulter zgini /FORMAT=VALIDLIST NOCASENUM TOTAL /TITLE='Summary of Coefficients and redundancies (by year)' /MISSING=VARIABLE /CELLS=NONE. GRAPH /TITLE="First 4 coefficients" /LINE(MULTIPLE)= VALUE( zdemand rtheil zreserve zd_and_r ) BY yr. GRAPH /TITLE="Last 4 coefficients" /LINE(MULTIPLE)= VALUE( rkull_li zhoover zcoulter zgini ) BY yr. GRAPH /TITLE="All 8 coefficients" /LINE(MULTIPLE)= VALUE(zdemand rtheil zreserve zd_and_r rkull_li zhoover zcoulter zgini ) BY yr. !ENDDEFINE. *///////////////////////////////////. ****************************. * Now define a macro to create 12 dummy weighted data files to test the manyyrs macro. ****************************. *///////////////////////////. DEFINE !dummy(). !DO !yr=1 !TO 12. INPUT PROGRAM. LOOP linenb=1 TO 10. COMPUTE a=15+TRUNC(UNIFORM(15)+1). * the dummy files are constructed in such a way that distribution of earnings becomes less equal as time passes. COMPUTE e=20+!yr*linenb*2+UNIFORM(3). END CASE. END LOOP. END FILE. END INPUT PROGRAM. LIST. SAVE OUTFILE=!QUOTE(!CONCAT("c:\\temp\\testfile",!yr,".sav")). !DOEND. !ENDDEFINE. *///////////////////////////. * ##### EXAMPLE 5. * next line defines the 12 dummy data files. !dummy. * Run macro on all 12 files and graph the 8 coefficients over the 12 year period. !manyyrs sal=e data=w fname="c:\\temp\\testfile" nbyrs=12. * ##### EXAMPLE 6. * this uses the file SAMPLH.SAV from LIS. * weight and income come directly from the data file. GET FILE='D:\\data\\aa\\Luxemb\\samplh.sav' /KEEP=d5 hweight casenum dpi. SELECT IF d5 NE 2. COMPUTE a=hweight. !inequal sal=dpi data=w ntiles=100. * ##### EXAMPLE 7. * this uses the file SAMPLH.SAV from LIS. * weight and income are derived from the data file. GET FILE='D:\\data\\aa\\Luxemb\\samplh.sav' /KEEP=d4 d5 d27 hweight casenum dpi. SELECT IF d5 NE 2. COMPUTE a=hweight*d4. COMPUTE oecdeq=(1+(.5*d27)+(.7*(d4-d27-1)))/2.2. COMPUTE y=dpi/oecdeq. !inequal sal=y data=w ntiles=100. * ##### EXAMPLE 8. * Preparatory work for this example (Run analysis on FI91H and FI95H). * Create 2 dummy files and pretend that they are Finland data at two different years. GET FILE='D:\\data\\aa\\Luxemb\\samplh.sav' /KEEP=d4 d5 d27 hweight casenum dpi. SAVE OUTFILE='c:\\temp\\FI91h.sav'. * Taking square root of dpi reduces inequality. COMPUTE dpi=SQRT(dpi). SAVE OUTFILE='c:\\temp\\FI95h.sav'. * Start the example (this simulates a job sent to LIS). * (The standard first 5 lines of syntax are not included here). * next command must be replaced by an ADD FILES command when run by LIS. GET FILE='c:\\temp\\FI91h.sav' /KEEP=d4 d5 d27 hweight casenum dpi. SELECT IF d5 NE 2. COMPUTE income=dpi. COMPUTE a=hweight. SAVE OUTFILE='c:\\temp\\FI1.sav'. SELECT IF $casenum=0. *The path must be changed when run at LIS. ADD FILES FILE='c:\\temp\\FI95h.sav' /KEEP=d4 d5 d27 hweight casenum dpi. SELECT IF d5 NE 2. COMPUTE income=dpi. COMPUTE a=hweight. SAVE OUTFILE='c:\\temp\\FI2.sav'. * Analyse the 2 years of Finland data. !manyyrs sal=income ntiles=100 data=w fname="c:\\temp\\FI" nbyrs=2. * ##### EXAMPLE 9. * the same approach as Example 8 can be used to compare many countries. * For example the files CO1.sav could be FI95 CO2.sav could be US94 CO3.sav could be GE94 CO4.sav could be SW95. * The following line would analyse and compare the 4 countries. !manyyrs sal=income ntiles=100 data=w fname="c:\\temp\\CO" nbyrs=4. |
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