' Show current output type: draft output or object output, ' and switch on request to the other output type. ' ' Switching output type: ' If there is no open draft/object output document, a new draf/object output ' document is opened; else the last draft/object document is designated as ' the active output document (to be specific: the LAST CREATED draft/object ' output WINDOW is designated as the the active output window). ' ' If you put this script under a toolbar button in the syntax window, ' you can easily switch between draft and object output without leaving the ' syntax window. ' ' This script is written with SPSS release 10.1.4 ' Karel Asselberghs asselberghs@dds.nl Sub Main Dim objSPSSOptions As ISpssOptions Dim objDocuments As ISpssDocuments Dim objOutputDoc As ISpssOutputDoc Dim objDraftDoc As ISpssDraftDoc Dim count As Integer Dim OutputType As Integer Set objSPSSOptions = objSpssApp.Options Set objDocuments = objSpssApp.Documents OutputType = objSPSSOptions.CurrentOutputType If OutputType = 0 Then If MsgBox("Switch to draft output?",vbOkCancel,"Object output") <> vbOK Then Exit All End If Else If MsgBox("Switch to object output?",vbOkCancel,"Draft output") <> vbOK Then Exit All End If End If If OutputType = 0 Then ' if SPSSObjectOutput count = objDocuments.DraftDocCount If count = 0 Then objSPSSOptions.CurrentOutputType = 1 Else Set objDraftDoc = objDocuments.GetDraftDoc(count-1) ObjDraftDoc.Designated = True End If Else ' if SPSSDraftOutput count = objDocuments.OutputDocCount If count = 0 Then objSPSSOptions.CurrentOutputType = 0 Else Set objOutputDoc = objDocuments.GetOutputDoc(count-1) ObjOutputDoc.Designated = True End If End If If OutputType = 1 And objSPSSOptions.CurrentOutputType = 1 Then MsgBox "Failed to switch to Object output",,"Draft output" ElseIf OutputType = 0 And objSPSSOptions.CurrentOutputType = 0 Then MsgBox "Failed to switch to Draft output",,"Object output" End If End Sub