*(Q) say I have a field, x, with what is supposed to be SSNs (social security #s). What I want to do is see how many observations have incorrect data. *(A) Posted to newsgroup by Raynald Levesque on 2002/08/01. DATA LIST FIXED /ssn 1-11 (A). BEGIN DATA 123-45-6789 1234-5-6789 12e-45-6789 123&45-2222 END DATA. LIST. * Test the 2 "-". COMPUTE test1=SUBSTR(ssn,4,1)="-" & SUBSTR(ssn,7,1)="-". * test that the other entries are digits. COMPUTE test2=~MISSING(NUMBER(CONCAT(SUBSTR(ssn,1,3),SUBSTR(ssn,5,2),SUBSTR(ssn,8)),F9.0)). COUNT error=test1 test2 (0). EXECUTE. * The variable error gives the number of error detected.