run name transform from long to wide /spss/ltow.sp . * . * this program will transform a file from many to one . * all variable names and formats will be keept . * if variable name truncated to a7 are duplicates the programe will fix it . * the program was tested on spss6.1 for unix and spss9 for windows . * this is the windows version - treatment of files path is complicated . * check carefully when changing the path parameter . * let me know if you have comments - . * . set width=130 mxwars=2000 length=120 printback=listing . set mprint=yes . define ltow ( outfile !tokens (1) / infile !tokens (1) / repeat !tokens (1) / path !tokens (1) / sortvar !enclose ('(',')') / dropvar !enclose ('{','}') / timestr !enclose ('[',']') ) . * the file need a repeat var . * the key (sort) var should be droped we don't want to rename them . get file= !infile /drop = !dropvar . n of cases 1 . execute . flip . rename var case_lbl = varname . compute varnum =$casenum . list . sort cases by varname . !let !filenm =!quote(!concat(!unquote(!path),'')) . aggregate outfile=!filenm /break = varname / nvar=n(varname) . execute . match files file= * / table=!filenm / by varname / first=start. string newvar(a7) . numeric seqnum(f1) . leave seqnum . if start eq 1 seqnum=0 . compute seqnum=sum(seqnum,1) . compute newvar=varname . do if nvar gt 1 . compute substr(newvar,7,1)=string(seqnum,f1) . end if . sort cases by varnum . !let !filenm =!quote(!concat(!unquote(!path),'')) . save outfile=!filenm / drop var001 / map . execute . list . get file= !filenm / map . string newname(a8) groupstr(a1) . !do !aa !in ( !timestr ) . compute groupstr=!quote(!aa) . compute newname = concat(rtrim(newvar,' '),!quote(!aa)) . !let !filenm =!quote(!concat(!unquote(!path),'')) . print outfile=!filenm / varnum, groupstr, newvar , newname (f4 a1 a7 a8). !doend . execute . data list file=!filenm records=1 / varnum, groupstr, newvar , newname(1x f4 a1 a7 a8) . compute dummi = 1 . sort cases by dummi . add files file=* / by dummi / last=lastone . sort cases by groupstr varnum . numeric groupnum(f2) . leave groupnum . if varnum eq 1 groupnum=sum(groupnum,1) . add files file=* / by groupstr / last=fin . list . !let !filenm =!quote(!concat(!unquote(!path),'dic.sps')) . do if varnum eq 1 . print outfile=!filenm / "get file= ",!quote(!infile) / "select if " , !quote(!repeat) , " = " , groupnum / "rename var " . end if . print outfile=!filenm / " (" , newvar , " = " newname ,")" . do if fin eq 1 . string filename(a40) . compute filename =concat(!path, !quote(!outfile),groupstr,'.sav' ) . print outfile=!filenm / "xsave outfile= " , "'", filename ,"'" / "execute " . end if . compute case1=$casenum . do if lastone eq 1 . print outfile=!filenm / "match file" . !do !aa !in ( !timestr ) . compute filename =!quote(!concat(!unquote(!path),!unquote(!outfile), !unquote(!aa),'.sav')) . print outfile=!filenm / " file = " , "'", filename , "'" , " / " . !doend . compute filename =!quote(!concat(!unquote(!path),!unquote(!outfile), '.sav' )) . compute filename=rtrim(filename) . print outfile=!filenm / " by " ,!quote(!sortvar) , "/ map " / "execute "/ "save outfile= " ,"'", filename ,"'" / "execute " . end if . execute . data list file=!filenm records=1 / line ( 1x a100) . execute . list . write outfile=!filenm / line (a100) . execute . set mprint=off . include !filenm . !enddefine . * help for parmetres . * sortvar the variables that sort the infile - 1. case number . * 2. the repeat variable . * repeat a sequencial variable within the case . * infile the original name of the data file . * outfile the name of the newfile that the program create. * dropvar key variable not to by duplicated . * timestr the suffix for each repeat . * Calling the macro. ltow outfile = newfile repeat = repeat sortvar = ( sno ) dropvar = { sno } timestr = [ a b ] infile = 'c:/temp/sleep-dis2.sav' path = 'c:/temp/' .